Sunday 5 June 2011

Brisbane's Government House

To mark Queensland Day, our own Government House 'Fernberg' was open to the public today, providing a wonderful opportunity to see inside the beautiful Victorian building and explore the surrounding gardens.

There were community stalls, entertainment and a vintage car display

from the days when a headlight

or a car wheel was a thing of beauty.

and there were the gardens... lots of winter colour, courtesy of the foliage plants and the bromelliads.

Background creeper is pothos Epipremnum aureum, I think

Crotons and coleus

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tour. The crotons and coleus are amazing...and some of my summer favorites. They will only grow here annually. I'm doing a bit on the 'Hot Tuna' plant today...have you ever grown this one? It's really not spelled hot tuna but sounds like hot tuna and easier to pronounce when looking at it this way then its Latin name.
    Lovely Victorian house.
    Thanks again.



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